Thursday, May 1, 2008

Why does Ravenswood makes us learn all of these Balkan songs ?

Hi Friends !

Welcome to our new web log and World Music Discussion website.
Now we will be able to share and brainstorm anytime ! Please visit this site regularly to add your input, share your stories, and bring songs for singing ! Don't forget to link us to your song ideas, your favourite music and other good research !

So, are ya tired of singing in Croatian ? Are ya longing for a nice Appalachian tune ? Why do I keep introducing you to all of these Bulgarian songs, anyway ?

So that's our first topic ... what's with all of this " World Music "? What the dickens is World Music, anyhow

Please address these few topics in a sensitive, well crafted opinion/rant/comment.

Have fun, be creative, tell your truth, be bold !!

I look so forward to hearing from all of you ...

All the best,

Linda Ravenswood


Tiare said...

hey woods i really love this blogspot im very thankful that u made it i really like the pictures of dr. nina simone and odetta. thank you for introducing me to this i hope to see more updated blogs soon.

dj_jazzy_jeff said...

Hey ppl in choir. comment #???
yeah so Bulgarian Songs.... i think we sing them to take our voices to a different level.

lysvaniity said...

hey girly! =)
this bl0gspot is
pretty sweet!
its a really g00d
idea f0r us t0 have
0ur 0wn bl0g as a class!
well h0pefully we can see
updated bl0gs pretty s00n!
l0ve ya* ^-^

babycakes said...

hey ms. i think this is a very good idea to have this site for all of us because we can always talk 2 u in private like this i dont know. but ya gtg kk luv yaa byee


latinaballr said...

This is a very interesting site u have created. It will surely expand our musical knowledge in a different level.

Unknown said...

what does an Appalachian tune sound like? idk why you keep introducing Bulgarian songs to us. i mean....its instresting to listen to but not really to sing.
but thats just my opinion. i like to stick to english songs. LOL.

sushi_lolz said...

I actually like that we learn a lot of different songs that aren't just in English. It's probably just so we won't be cultureless little monkey children =)
We should actually learn more songs in foreign languages. But all these Balkan songs are getting a little tiring. Maybe we can learn something from Africa or maybe even East Asia...
--Maya Papaya

smil3y said...

lol luv r class were shounden better day by day...........

Jin said...

hey wood i really like this :]
i think that it is good idea to make blog for class
it is so sweet!!!!!!!

marquez said...

world music is music from all over the place. it takes us away from the music that is very dominate in the US. not only do we learn the sonsg, but we also learn about the culture that it came from. it makes us more aware of the rest of the world and leave our comfort zone. also, the style of singing from other countries is very different from the way a lot of singers that we are familiar with sing. in this class we're becoming more educated about different styles of singing.

cyn said...

"Why do I keep introducing you to all of these Bulgarian songs, anyway..."

I believe that the reason why Ravenswood introduces us to these songs is because music is not just limited to our society but everywhere in the world. By, introducing us to different types of music we can see the various forms of singing there are. Music is universal and although it may be in a different language there is no reason not to appreciate the beauty that music brings into our lives.
Even though some people may get "frustrated" of singing all these new songs, it helps us to understand that there are different forms of music around us and to be a singer we have to have that knowledge.

Monsterka said...

hey woodsterkaaaa<3
this year has really challenged me and im super thankful for it. sll this cultered music has given me a different perspective of lfe and the people in it. i learned to not take things for granted and to take them heavily. Im really thankful for this new point of view that you've allowed me to develope through all of this different music.I became more appreciative and i now enjoy music from anywhere ....even though i dont undestand what in the world there saying, but even then ii still hear myself singing them.

hotcakes08 said...

ms. woods. i am really enjoying this website because it leads us students to inform oursleves culturally. singing a variety of distinct songs, guides us to enhnace our knowledge as well.

shrimp roxx said...

very nice. i like.
this page is gonna be helpful && interesting because its about MUSiC!
well i like the idea of this blog. it will come in handy ;]

valroxxs03 said...

karios sister..
i agree with you but dont u think that our audience would give us a better feedback if they were able to understand what we are sining???? i mean we do perform for them......

Candela said...

I find all the Balkan songs we have been singing in class deeply soulful. But I wish we could sing some songs in spanish. I am particulary inspired by the Mexican singer Lila Downs.

Here is a link to one of her well known songs, "La Llorona".

I am half Ecuadorian so I would love to learn some songs from the Ecuadorian culture. Do you know any Mrs. Ravenswood?

Anonymous said...

First and for most i love being able to express myself freely in an eviornment where i can be myself and not be judged for it. I really enjoy the whole concept of singing in different languages. I have become so intrigued with cultural music, and im looking forward to learning more.
i love you !
saraayyaa :)

flower said...

you've taught me so much this year..
you've introduced me to new ways of thinking, and have given me an appreciation for others cultures and traditions. i can honestly say that choral class has left a lasting impression on me and i will hold every memory with me, in my heart, forever.


cyn said...

yes Kairos sister i totally do agree with you...i mean i like the sound of it but personally i cannot sing like that & i think that's what fascinates me since i can't sing it's just pretty. lol

but yes, it would help if our audience knew hahaha :]

Linda Ravenswood said...

wow, a deeply moving first set of opinions and revelations ! ( I thought we translated all of the songs into English ! have some of you ladies forgotten the meanings ? :) no prob ... we'll review !! )

I am happy that so many of you are expressing your selves beyond your " comfort zones " as Stephanie M. opined. Keep your truth pouring out.

As singers especially, we are/we live/we strive to find ears and hearts to truly receive songs, and to find those people who will inspire us in return. Music is a gift in a circle, like a good friend. Thanks to all of you who offered song ideas, like Mary Ann and Lila Downs and Chinz and the new ColdPlay song. How about we learn one of Lila's Mexicana cover songs after the Spring Concert ?!

Thank you for all of your hard work, and goodness ! You are a wonderful group ! Check this site on the weekend for a new topic !

all the best,

Linda Ravenswood

cyn said...

ok Woods!
so i finally have internet at my new casa and i have to say thanks to the whole YouTube frenzy that was happening on Friday, i've been listening/watching new music videos...mainly on Malaguena Salerosa :D

and i also wanted to check on the blog to see if you posted a new subject....yet there is none so far....

hope you're having a great Weekend
See ya monday!
